Effective supervision is experienced as both supportive and challenging. Ultimately, the supervised and the supervisor both grow professionally and personally.
Professional Consultation/ Supervision
Clinical supervision, which includes education and support for the therapist, is an essential part of working therapeutically with clients whether they are adults or children. As a trained supervisor, Irena will discuss therapeutic techniques and relationships, difficult problems, ethical decisions and issues that impact the therapist personally.
She is able to work with various activities including sandtray and other play therapy techniques to make supervision interesting and to broaden the understanding and perspective of both she and the supervisee.
Originally from Montreal, Irena graduated from McGill University in 1987 and has a Master’s degree in clinical social work from Wilfrid Laurier University. Prior to moving to Waterloo Region Irena worked at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal and then became the Coordinator of Hope and Cope, a support system for people living with cancer. She developed some of the first support groups in Canada for women with breast cancer and groups for young adults with cancer.
Irena worked for Hospice of Waterloo Region, first as the Executive Director and later as their Director of Clinical services. She helped them realize their dream of establishing “The Hospice Family Centre” which opened in Kitchener in 2011. Irena established the Children’s Support Program at Hospice, which included group sessions for bereaved children and teens , as well as individual counselling for families living with someone who had a life threatening illness.
Irena has completed six levels of Sandtray WorldPlay Training, and earned her certification as a play therapist supervisor with both the Canadian Association of Play Therapy and the Association for Play Therapy in the United States. She believes in the healing power of play for adults and children. Her enthusiasm for play therapy led her to bring these techniques into the programs at Hospice as well as her private practice.
Irena is available to provide supervision for trainees who are working toward certification as play therapists or qualified practitioners who are looking for ongoing support in their practice.
Supervision is provided in person or online real-time.
For more information or to set up an appointment email Irena: iplayatwork2@gmail.com
"Irena is an excellent teacher and facilitator. She is a very clear communicator who put together an excellent blend of didactic and experiential learning. She offered great opportunities to learn about ourselves and also to learn what it is like to do things we ask kids to do; to experience the potential for transformation." - St. John's NL CAPT Grief & Loss Certificate attendee.